"Shortly after the 2008 RTA reform act was passed ... revenues fell far below what experts had projected"
"To overcome some of these challenges, CTA, Metra and Pace all implemented fare increases. CTA introduced an increase to its base fare in 2009 ... Metra introduced fare increases in 2008 and in 2010. Pace introduced an increase to its base fare in 2009 ... In 2010, CTA also implemented a fairly significant, but targeted, reduction in bus and rail service in order to reduce operating expenses"
"Northeastern Illinois transit agencies face $31.1 billion in State of Good Repair needs. Meanwhile there are no foreseeable funding initiatives at the state and federal levels that will provide the infusion of capital funds that will even begin to address this need. Degrading infrastructure will lead to degrading service quality."
"nearly two-thirds of our region’s transit capital funding comes from federal sources. The current Federal Transportation Bill (MAP-21) is set to expire in September 2014"

Citizens Taking Action
for transit dependent riders
Next Open Monthly Meeting
Monday, August 5th, 7-9:00 PM
77 W. Washington, 4th Floor
2013-2018 Strategic Plan
"As opposed to sudden significant fare increases, the merits of implementing regular but moderate fare increases should also be examined as a means of keeping up with operating costs"